Monday, August 10, 2009

Sweet Neighbors and a Sweet Ride!

We have been VERY lucky where ever we go to have wonderful neighbors! We've had neighbors that are so quiet or rarely home that you don't even realize that they exist OR even better, the kind that become more like an extension of your family...that is what we have here. We have very thoughtful, sweet neighbors that we will miss very much when we leave here.

Well, earlier this summer our neighbor (Nick) knocked on the door and said he had an old tricycle and a little motorcycle that he was wanting to give to the kids if they wanted them. Any parent knows that for a kid there is nothing better than another kids toys! So we agreed and assumed he was cleaning out his toy box... I don't think that this would have fit in a toy box!

or this one...

Here's Nick showing Thomas how the power wheels work. Once we charged up the battery, it didn't take Thomas very long to find the "power boost" button. He would have it floored riding down the street screaming WAHOOOOO!! Thank goodness they only really go a few miles an hour! He was riding off into the sunset...very slowly.

Here's one more of Elise and her friend Lilly. They have been almost inseparable this summer!


Mark, Holly and Boys said...

That power wheels really IS a sweet ride. I want one!

Jen B. said...

wonderful neighbors are the BEST! I had the BEST in MI :-)

Diana said...

That is one sweet bike. I wanna have kids AND cool neighbors